The "Funzutsu" is a small bamboo tube. One of its ends is beveled to allow a precise distribution of the powder, while the other end is closed by a sieve of different size.
The lacquerer gently fills the tube with powder, then, holding the Funzutsu over the fresh lacquer, lightly tap the beveled end to release the powder.

Each brush is created by hand, which makes it a unique piece. They are specially designed to meet the special requirements of the art of kintsugi.
These brushes are distinguished by the size and thickness of the bristles, which are directly related to the color of the handles. The yellow handle represents the thickest brush, while the black handle is of intermediate thickness, and finally, the red handle is associated with the thinnest brush.

While the kintsugi brush is suitable for applying hairspray to thin areas, the Hira fude flat brush is used to paint areas with large cracks and chips.
The bristles are horsehair, placed between split slats of bamboo and Japanese paper. Cushion and support for the horsehair, and the whole thing is firmly bound with silk thread.

The hinoki (Japanese cypress) spatula is used for mixing when making mugi urushi, nori urushi and sabi respectively
Hinoki being soft and malleable, it is well suited for mixing these mixtures on your support.
The bamboo spatula is used to apply mugiurushi/nori or sabi urushi to the repaired part of the object.
With time and wear, they will be covered with a patina which will make the object smooth that you will keep for a long time.

I am particularly attached to the use of Japanese tools, using only natural materials from Japan, I have selected for you a magnolia wood slate which is very resistant due to its beautiful uniform grain. When a magnolia slate has been used for a long time, it absorbs a large amount of ki urushi lacquer and its surface becomes shiny like a mirror.